
entertainment options : country western
Double Eagle
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Currently Playing:
 • You Belong With Me
 • Your Man
 • Good Times
 • Man, I Feel Like A Woman
 • Friends In Low Places
 • I Feel Lucky
 • Born To Boogie

Currently Playing:

Kip Sweeny's 'Cripple Creek'


Double Eagle Live!

With over fifty years of accumulated professional stage experience, Double Eagle sports a command of country music, and a song list that are almost as inexhaustible as their stage energy. Though specializing in country, the band is equally versed in current Top-40’s, '50s rock 'n' roll, '60s Motown, California beach music, and Beatles material. Double Eagle has exceptionally strong group vocals, while their double lead vocalists (male and female) love to interact with your audience. Don’t be surprised if they team up to teach line dancing or the ever popular Cotton Eyed Joe. They will get your crowd on the dance floor and keep them entertained.

If viewing this page on an Apple Macintosh, you must have Microsoft Media Player for Mac to view the music and video samples. There are separate versions for Mac OS 8.x-9x and Mac OS X. Please be sure to download the correct version.

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